
A Home Group of Zolder50. Locals and foreigners, seekers and saints, listeners and learners... doing our best to love God, love each other, and unite to serve others...

20 augustus 2006

3 Things to Note

Hoi allemaal!

There are three quick announcements for the coming week. Let goed op:
  1. The location for this evening's "picnic" has been moved to our house (Retiefstraat 39 huis), instead of the Oosterpark. We hope to see you here...
  2. We are canceling plans for our regular weekly get-together on Wednesday evening (23 August). Hopefully everyone can enjoy the end of the summer, and we'll plan on getting a fresh start next week (30 August).
  3. Remember that there are no worship services in the Zolder on Sunday, 27 August. Instead, everyone is invited (and encouraged to invite anyone else that wants to come) to the Zolder on Saturday, 26 August for a party (see www.amsterdam50.nl for more information).

That's it. Tot ziens.